Yes, we have been eating dinner around here. Yes, I have been taking pictures of [most] everything. I just haven't gotten around to posting everything--I needed to take some time off for finals.
But now, finals are DONE! Break it here. Let the good times rolll.
I am sad, and slightly embarrassed to say that Pigs in a Blanket are quite the staple around the Yerrick household. They are pretty much our go-to dinner when I don't feel like cooking, but we don't feel like going out either, or if we're in need of a speedy dinner. The whole dealio, from start to finish, takes about 20 whole minutes.
You may be wondering, "Does she realllly need to share a recipe for Pigs in a Blanket? Doesn't everyone know how to make them?" My answer, my friends, is this: Yes. I need to share because, No, not everyone knows. Actually, most everyone makes them differently.
Now, for those few of you that are completely lost, wondering, WHAT THE HAY is a Pig in a Blanket? I mourn for you. I mourn for your childhood, lackless of little delicious piggies wrapped in crunchy, flaky blankets.
I present:
Pigs in a Blanket

What you'll need:
1 package of Lil'Smokies Cocktail Weenies (I got the cheese filled ones for extra deliciousness.)
1 package of crescent roll dough
salt & pepper
chili powder
garlic powder
Yep. That's really all you need. No, I'm not kidding.
Here's what you do, although you can probably figure it out from the picture...

Get your supplies ready.

Pop the can (I can never get the dang thing to pop...Just once I'd like it to pop normal without me having to bang it on the counter several times to dent it, UGH!) and roll out the dough on a sheet tray lined with foil.

Separate all the pre-cut triangles.
Now, those are too big for my Lil'Smokies, aren't they? Plus, there are about a million Lil'Smokies in a package and only 8 dough triangles. What to do, what to do?
I'll tell you:

Cut the dough triangles into 3 or 4 long-mini triangles with a pizza cutter. Tada! Now you have 8 times 3 or 4 (that's 24 or 32) pieces of dough for your million Lil'Smokies.
Let the rolling begin!

Put the Smokie on the fat side of the triangle and roll it towards the smaller end. It makes for a nicer presentation, and we all know, it's all about presentation on these suckers.

See? Gorgeous.
Keep on rollin' til you have a little weenie farm.

I just said weenie farm. Ha. I said it again.
Weenie farm, weenie farm, weenie farm. I need some coffee.
Well, now that that's done...This, folks, is where things are about to get craaazy.

Sprinkle them all with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and chili powder. Just for a little extra bit of flavor.
Bake in a preheated oven at 375˚ for 10-12 minutes, or until done.

This is what you get. Yum. Simple. Yummmm.

I'm guessing that most normal people don't eat these for dinner. We do. Don't judge. They are great for an appetizer or an after-school snack as well. For dinner, I usually pair them with Mac and Cheese and a vegetable of sorts, for a well rounded meal.
I've also heard that Paula Dean has her own version of these. I'll have to look into that....
This is one of our small groups' favorite "meals" only we call them teenie weenies (or if you use slightly bigger smokies, hog-dogs).
ReplyDeleteI like the name hog dogs.
ReplyDeleteMy husband would need like 20 of these or he would whine about still being hungry just because they LOOK small!
Oh my goodness! I just got so hungry looking at these! They look so delicious.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't find an email address on your blog, so I'm posting here. A few Kentucky food bloggers are putting a group together to be able to connect with each other on Facebook:!/home.php?sk=group_154501454604863&ap=1. Feel free to join! (I saw that you listed Kentucky as your hometown on Foodbuzz…)
ReplyDeleteEventually, we’ll have a fan page for all of us (with links to our blogs), but we’re just trying to get the group together now to see who is interested and to touch base with each other. We’d love to have you!
wow, that was good! from start to the finish. now i could try making one, (or two) myself - #nice